The Folden Family. We are a family of 4 that with all members included is really a family of 7. My name is Brooke Folden. I am the mother of 3 beautiful boys, one sweet boy we never got to meet, and one who we won't know at all this side of Heaven. The oldest is an intelligent, kind-hearted, fun 7 year old, Grant. The second, God held from early on, and I don't know who this child turned out to be, but God does and I can't wait to meet him or her. The third, Eli, who was lost after only one incredible week. The fourth is Asher, the sweetest, spunkiest 3 year old you will ever meet. And last, Luke, who I carried for just 17 weeks. My first job is of course being a mother to Grant. I am the wife of the most amazing man I have ever known, his name is Richie. He and I work at Hillview Christian Church where he serves as the Family Minister, and I am the Children's Minister. I also recently started a journey as a photographer. Through this I have been able to minister to families who are losing their little ones, just like I did. You can read more about that journey in future blogs, and the beginning of it here.
In the past 5 years we have experienced more heartache than I ever thought possible. But through all of the hurt God has shown me that He is still the same Great God that he was before. His light still shines, even in the darkest places. I know that even with the trials and tests, He has blessed my life well beyond what I deserved.
In June 2009 Richie and I lost a child through a miscarriage. While that was a truly painful and tough time, it didn't compare to what was to come. It took us a year to get pregnant again and when we did we were completely elated. I had begun to wonder if we would conceive again. My grandfather had just passed away in May, so this discovery was much welcomed by my family. It was a new beginning, a new life.
Then in September 2010 we were stopped in our tracks when another member of the family passed away. This time, Richie's mom. Margie was one of the most amazing women I had ever known. I learned so much from her. Losing her was tough for me especially because I knew how excited she was to have another member of the family coming. She passed away only 2 weeks before we were set to find out the sex of the baby. Grant had already decided that he was having a baby sister, and I must admit I was at first hoping for a girl. So we decided to name her Margaret (and call her Maggie) after Richie's mom. Well God had other plans. He blessed us with another boy. We didn't choose his name until about 3 weeks before he was born. We decided on Elijah James. James was after my grandfather who had passed away in May.
He was born on January 16th, 2011. Even though 4 weeks early he was absolutely perfect, so it seemed. He had a little trouble breathing at first, but by day 2 that was resolved. He was the most beautiful, precious and perfect little baby I had ever seen (since his big brother of course). By day 3 his jaundice level had spiked so we had to stay in the hospital a little longer for him to be under lights. We were sent home on day 5 with the hopes that the levels had dropped enough to just be under lights at home. Then on day 6 we were readmitted to the hospital after his levels rose again.
Then on Saturday, day 7 everything changed. I noticed a change in him at about 11am. He was not the same child he had been the day before. He wouldn't eat, wouldn't cry, wouldn't do anything but lay there under the lights and swing his arms back and forth. I begged the nurses to call the doctor and tell him something was wrong. Both the nurses and the doctor kept telling us he was fine. But I knew better, I could tell just by the look in his eyes that he was in pain. Seeing your child in pain is the worst feeling you can ever feel. I cannot describe to you how horrible and helpless it feels. They say a mother has an intuition about her child and I absolutely believe that. After running numerous tests they could not find any numbers to confirm what I knew to be true. Then around 8pm he stopped breathing in my arms. He just laid there, lifeless. We immediately called for the nurses. After an excruciating 30 minutes or so waiting in the next room, they came and told us they were able to get him breathing again, but that things were very critical.
We were taken to Kosair Children's Hospital by ambulance. There he was cared for by some of the finest doctors, nurses and surgeons in the nation. He had to undergo a craniotomy for a bleed in his brain. He made it through surgery. We stood by his side all day waiting to hear good news. However, the bleed returned. It became a massive hemorrhage too big for him to recover from. Around 6pm we decided to turn off the machines that were sustaining his life, and let him go home to be with the Lord. It was the most painful decision I have ever made in my life. But God was with me through it all. He gave me a peace that I can't describe. He let me know with out a doubt that it was the right choice and that He was with us every step of the way.
A little less than a year later Asher came in with a roar and hasn't stopped since. Check out more of his journey from a rare, potentially fatal genetic condition to miraculously normal and happy, healthy kid. You can read more about that here and here
A little less than a year later Asher came in with a roar and hasn't stopped since. Check out more of his journey from a rare, potentially fatal genetic condition to miraculously normal and happy, healthy kid. You can read more about that here and here
This is the very condensed version of what we went through in those days. I just felt the need to give some background as to why I started this blog. This is who we are. These events shaped our lives. I will talk more about them and give more details as time goes on. This is not to make anyone sad. Please don't be sad for me or feel sorry for me. God has entrusted me and blessed me with more than I could ever deserve. I am so thankful that God gave me Eli and Luke, even if it was only for a short time. I hope that you can read this and learn something. Some things about us, but also about how God has blessed your life and how He is with you wherever you go.
Matthew 28:20b And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. NLT