Here's the latest...

Things in my photography ministry have taken off!! I am nervous and excited to update you on what's been going on. 

First off, after reading my post about what I wanted to do, Richie's cousin Natalie, who is a Dr. at Kosair immediately contacted me. She sent my information to a lady at Kosair. The lady I spoke with basically said they are in need of someone now. I explained to her my concerns of not feeling worthy or prepared for such a big responsibility as preserving memories for these precious families. She said something that stuck with me. She said something like, this may be all the pictures they ever get, and they would be happy with anything. Isn't that true? I would love to have any pictures I could possibly get of Eli. We of course have some, but not like I would like to have. In the midst of all this I read a sentence in a Bible study that I am a part of that read "Satan loves to capitalize on believers feelings of unworthiness."

That part really hit me. Have I been holding back and letting Satan capitalize on my feelings of unworthiness? Well, no more. I am moving forward in this mission to serve people. I told the lady from Kosair yes, to call me when she needs me. What exactly does that mean? Well I am not exactly sure yet. She will call me, could be anytime, when there is a need, or a request for a photographer. It could be a child who just might spend most of their first few weeks or months in the hospital and the family won't get that time back. Or it could be a child who won't come home from hospital with their parents. 

This is a starting point. I don't know where this road will take me. I don't want to limit God right now and say I know exactly what He has in store. I know I want to serve people who have experienced a loss (whether that be loss of time, or loss of life), through photography. I am not talking about just hospital settings. I would like to do family pictures for people after they get home from the hospital or whatever need they might have. 

So for now here's where I am at. I need to work on my portfolio and get in some practice with other families (besides my own kids, who are just a little sick of my camera in their face...). I need some families that would like to have some free mini sessions and let me practice on them. I have a few spots available so if you are interested please contact me. I would love to come to a location that you would like and capture some of this beautiful fall background before it's gone. So we will have to hurry!!  

Here is the name of my photography ministry: 

That's all I have right now. A name, and some hopes of helping people in the future. I would love to share with you all some specific prayer requests. I would love nothing more to know that people are praying for this ministry and praying for what I need. If you are willing would you pray the following:
 1. That it succeeds. That God has His hand all over it and He makes it possible. Make it possible, for people to be served, and touched, and ministered to in a great time of need.
2. Pray that He opens the door for more help, knowledge, and information about this "business" as He already is.
3. Pray that emotionally I can handle the great deal of pain this will no doubt remind me of. I know and trust that He will provide the strength if it is what He wants me to do. 

I have some physical "needs" to get started that I am working on. If you could pray for those also that would be great. One is families to practice on, and build my portfolio with, another is some things I need to purchase that I feel will help out tremendously, so just pray for the ability to pay for those. I am hoping for a flash and diffuser to help with the hospital lighting when it might be dark, or with no natural light. Also I would like to take an online course very soon. 

That's where we're at. Things are moving along. Thanks again for your continued support. 

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